Thursday, February 23, 2012

Back to Basics

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to get caught up with one of my favorite cousins - who told me that she subscribed to this blog back when I was "just" posting gratitude lists, as a reminder to be more grateful in her own life...which reminded ME that I have completely gotten out of the habit of doing daily/weekly/even monthly lists!

So, to get back to basics, today's post is all about gratitude! My life is pretty awesome (even when I am struggling with morning sickness...all day...), and doing a gratitude list is a great way to pause and take stock of that. It also encourages me to go through my day looking for reasons to be grateful, which is a fun way to travel through a day.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Being pregnant - I've always wanted to be a mom, and even though I don't feel so hot right this second, I know it's a HUGE blessing to be able to experience this, with a man that I love so much.
- A pending visit from a very dear friend this weekend - she always lifts my spirits and we always have fun together! I can't wait!
- Modern medicine - S has the flu (YUCK!), but I don't have to get it because my doctor called us in a prescription for him to feel better, and for me to avoid getting it at all!
- Red Diamond Salsa - I have been looking for YEARS for a salsa that I could buy at the grocery store to replace a kind that went off the market (that was my favorite), and I have been craving good salsa like crazy.
- Washer/Dryer in the house - I have, at least, 7 loads to do today and it would suck to have to tote it somewhere else to get it down. I am not looking forward to washing and folding it all - but at least, I don't have to travel to do it!

Dear God, thanks for the nudge to get back to being grateful. I know that life is good - and that if I open my eyes, there are blessings all around. Please be with M and M's family after the loss of his father. Please grant healing to B and S, who are struggling with bad backs. Please help my beloved S recuperate from the flu. Keep a watchful eye on all of my friends and family - keep them safe and comforted, and show me how I can be of service to them, if You so choose. Amen.

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