Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Is nine resolutions too many?

Every year, I make a list of New Year's Resolutions, and I am actually relatively good about keeping them.  (Some years better than others!) I feel like it gives me a focus on where to focus my energies, instead of just feeling like I need to change EVERYTHING.  

In 2012, one of my favorite writers/bloggers named Jon Acuff instituted what he called "Finish Year", where he set goals/made resolutions and then, reported his progress each week.  He challenged his readers to do the same, as well. When I thought about doing that, I was inspired - and a little intimidated.  It's scary to put my goals out there (they could be judged!) and to report on my progress (I might fail!).  However, I know that accountability is probably one of my biggest motivating factors - and it's also good to have a set appointment to take stock of my progress to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. 

Without question, my number one priority for 2013 is to be the best mom to Diana and best wife to S that I can possibly be.  That being said, I do want to make sure I am pushing myself in other areas, as well, and I think that by doing that, I become a better person...and better mom and wife. 

So, here goes!  This is my list for this year, in no particular order:

1. Get real estate license - I have been interested in real estate for years and have never done anything about it!  This year, I want to get my license!

2. Clean out every closet in whole house and attic - and donate/sell everything we don't need!  We are planning on buying a new house in the next year or so, and I don't want to move anything single thing we don't need.  When we were opening boxes of Christmas decorations, I found one box with sweaters in it...from before 2002!  That means, I have moved that box of sweaters 6 different times. Never again!

3. Run 3 different 5k's - I have missed running, and to get back in the swing of things, I have already signed up for the Dirty Girl run here in Birmingham in March.  If I want to keep going after that, I will have to another race on the horizon or I will probably slack off again.  Three seems like a manageable number, and while I would LOVE to think I could tackle a half marathon (or even a full!), I want to set goals that I can reach, and especially with having a new baby, this seems more practical!

4. Raise $5000 for Komen - Last year, I raised $2000 on my own for the Race For The Cure in October. This year, I want to crush that.  I also want to find sponsors for another fabulous event that we started last year called Chefs For The Cure.  (FYI, it's on June 20th at The Club, if you want to save the date!) 

5. Rework my blog to make it profitable - I love to write.  That's the whole reason that I created this blog!  I would do it all day for free, but I also know lots of people that use it as a part time job/extra source of income.  I'd like to figure out a way to make that happen. 

6. Create new profile for ACX and Voice 123 and pursue voice work - In the down economy, like everyone else I know, I am trying to figure out ways to make extra money.  One of the things that I have been "meaning to get to" for quite some time is pursuing opportunities to do voiceovers.

7. Get back down to my wedding weight by my anniversary - That means I have just under 40 pounds to lose in 8 months.  A pound of week.  Totally doable and healthy.

8. Beef up our savings account and fully fund our "down payment" fund - I actually have a dollar amount in mind, but I don't want to give S a heart attack by sharing that publicly.  This is the only resolution that I'll have to be kind of vague about each week.   I desperately want to move closer to my work and to S's family.  I love our little neighborhood and our neighbors are awesome - but considering the time of day that I go to work, I'd like to have a shorter commute.  I would also like to be closer to my in-laws.  They are such an important part of our life, and of Diana's now, too.  I never want the physical distance to be a deterrent from spending time together. 

9. Drink 64 oz of water a day - Every single health expert stresses the importance of drinking enough water, not just to lose weight (see #7!), but also for overall health.  Who doesn't want to be healthier? 

What are YOUR resolutions?  Want to be accountable with me?  

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