Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sick Day Gratitude List

I've literally spent most of the past 24 hours on my couch - not because I am feeling supremely lazy, but because I can't seem to shake this bout of morning sickness and/or stomach flu and/or food poisoning. I am not writing because I am feeling sorry for myself, but as a reminder that even in this yucky state, I can try to find things to be grateful for. It's good practice - even when I don't "feel" it, I can still practice displaying gratitude.

Today, I feel grateful for:
- Being able to get pregnant - I know it's a miracle, and despite the fact that I don't feel so hot most of the time, I am really excited about the end result (which is the size of a naval orange these days....)
- A call from a friend that brightened my afternoon - and reminded me that having time to sit and watch TV is not a luxury some people ever get these days.
- DirectTV - lots of options to keep me company today
- Sick days - some people don't get the option of taking a day off when they don't feel well, but I can.
- Well behaved dogs - I am not sure how long it'll last, but for now, I am grateful that they have been so low maintenance today.
- Comfy PJ's and couch - at least if I am going to be stuck on a couch, it's a good one and I've got something comfortable to wear.

Dear God, thanks for Your healing powers - which I am sure are on their way any minute now. I am grateful for my life, and the life inside of me. I am grateful for my friends, family and loved ones, and ask that you keep, protect and comfort them, as the case may be. Amen.

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